Monday, January 5, 2015

Taking my own challenge

It was a long 2014. I didn't feel like I reached many of the goals I had originally set out to accomplish(professionally or personally), so my only New Years resolution this year is to do better. Better than yesterday, better than last year. And I'm going to start by taking my own advice.

I am working with a wonderful personal training studio called Arlington Personal Fitness to present a New Years Challenge to some of their clientele. Four weeks, four different nutrition & fitness challenges. How bad could that be? We will soon find out, as I am going to go through the challenge as well.

To make this work, I need to follow the plan. The first week is about water & breakfast. The water I know I can do, breakfast is always a challenge for me. I have a history of gastrointestinal challenges, and eating first thing in the morning is always tricky. But for one week, I am going to TRY. Try to do better. What can it hurt?

Its the exercise component that is going to kick my butt. That's the point though, right?; The reason it is called a "challenge" - if it were easy, well then we would all be perfectly healthy and fit and I'd be out of a job:)

Wish me luck! Here's to a better tomorrow...